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Thdf.a mqoa.,sl Ndú;hg ;sfhk mß.klh Thd ke;s w;f¾ ljqre yß tl mdúÉÑ lrkjdkï t fudfydf;u t nj okajd email tlla Thdf.a email inbox tlg ,efnkakg i,iajk wdldrhg mß.klfh task tlla yok úosy wms fï post tflaka oek .uq . fï myiqlu yßhg mdúÉÑ lrkak kï Thdf.a computer tl on lrdu internet tlg auto connect fjkak Tfka . oeka wms mshjrka mshjr fï ioyd jk task tl youq .

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windows j, Task Sheduler fj; msúfikak

side bar tfla we;s actions Ndú;d lr,d task tlla create lrkak

task tlla create lrkak ,efík window tfla task tllg kula ,ndos my; remfha ;sfík wdldrhg settings yokak .

tu window tfla ;sfík trigger tab tlgo msúi my; wdldrhg settings yokak .

oeka email tl ,efnk úosyg settings yokak Tfka t ioyd Action tab tlg msúi Create a new action fj; msúfikak
wms emails STMP u.ska f.akajd .kak ksid new action window tfla Add argumets bosßfha we;a sapce tfla STMP ioyd jk arguments ,ndosh hq;=hs .

Gmail ioyd arguments ,nd osh hq;af;a my; wdldrhghs . tys ;ekg Thdf.a gmail tl ,ndos New task window tfla past lrkak . tfia sttiings yo,d ok button tl press lrkak .

-f -t -u Someone Logged Into Your Computer -m Someone just logged into your computer! -s -xu -xp password -o tls=yes

oeka create task window tfla condition tab tlg msúi my; wdldrhg power condition tl uncheak lrkak .

oeka OK lr task tl save lrkak . oeka task tl create lr,d bjrhs . computer tl turn on lr,d email tlg .syska n,kak t nj okajd email tlla ,eì,d ;sfhaú .

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